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Trova il tuo lavoro con Arx

CAD specialist 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Italia, Lazio, Roma - Arx ing

ARX è una rete globale di specialisti nell'ambito dell'ingegneria, del design e dell'architettura. Il nostro team offre consulenze a 360°, si occupa della gestione dei progetti e di servizi tecnici nei seguenti ambiti:   aeroporti, ponti e altre strutture, edifici-architettura, edifici – ingegneria civile, funivie, digital & Innovation, ambiente, attrezzature, geologia, geotecnica & fondazione speciali, idroelettrico, metropolitane, centrali nucleari, petrolio & gas, pipeline & reti, porti / opere marittime, ferrovie, ingegneria fluviale, strade, traffico & mobilità, tunnel & opere sotterranee, trattamento acque / acque reflue.   Con uffici in tutta Europa, Nord e Sud America, Asia, Africa e Oceania, la nostra "task force" combina il know-how locale con la propria esperienza globale. Il tutto con grande agilità. Il risultato è il nostro approccio "glocal", che ci consente di soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di ogni comunità, integrando le migliori pratiche internazionali. In ARX, le menti brillanti lavorano per un futuro sostenibile, trasformando le comunità un progetto innovativo alla volta.   Le persone sono il cuore e l'anima di ARX. Siamo una casa per innovatori, visionari ed esperti, dove sviluppare talenti, avviare carriere e collaborare con altri specialisti. ARX valorizza gli individui. Credendo che le loro abilità e la loro determinazione offriranno soluzioni alle sfide di domani, accogliamo professionisti che sapranno beneficiare del nostro team arricchendolo al tempo stesso.   Cerchiamo per la nostra Business Unit Italia un CAD specialist.   Il/la candidato/a si occuperà della produzione di elaborati grafici e relazioni tecniche descrittive relative a fabbricati, strutture ed infrastrutture nell'ambito dell'ingegneria civile e infrastrutturale. Parteciperà alle riunioni interne ed esterne di progetto. Sarà inserito nel Dipartimento CAD Strutture/Infrastrutture/Architettura e si interfaccerà con il CAD Coordinator, i Progettisti senior ed i Coordinatori di progetto. Sono possibili compiti di ispezione in cantiere.   Requisiti tecnici necessari: - Diploma tecnico e comprovata esperienza del ruolo - Laurea in Ingegneria Edile o Architettura. - Buona preparazione tecnica di base - Buona conoscenza del software Autodesk Autocad.   Requisiti tecnici preferenziali: - Conoscenza di AutoCA per la redazione di elaborati di armature da CA - Esperienza pregressa in ambito infrastrutturale: tracciati, manufatti e/o gallerie naturali - Conoscenza di Civil3D / Rhino / Photoshop / Sistemi di gestione documentale come PDM o ProjectWISE - Certificazioni o Corsi di specializzazione in software di grafica   Soft Skills: - Attitudine allo sviluppo di competenze trasversali - Capacità di relazione nel lavorare in team in un contesto multidisciplinare e strutturato - Approccio proattivo al lavoro e alla ricerca - Flessibilità e capacità di adattamento - Capacità di organizzare ed ottimizzare il proprio lavoro - Approccio per obiettivi e orientato al rispetto delle scadenze - Etica del lavoro   Offriamo - Un contesto lavorativo giovane e motivato - Una società agile e dinamica, con una consolidata presenza nel mondo dell'ingegneria nazionale ed internazionale, e con ulteriori forti ambizioni di crescita per il futuro - Interessanti opportunità di sviluppo e di crescita personale e professionale - Possibilità di collaborazione con altri settori del gruppo in Italia e all'estero   Sede di Lavoro: Roma


Ingegnere civile strutturista (senior) 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Italia, Lazio, Roma - Arx ing

ARX è una rete globale di specialisti nell'ambito dell'ingegneria, del design e dell'architettura. Il nostro team offre consulenze a 360°, si occupa della gestione dei progetti e di servizi tecnici nei seguenti ambiti:   aeroporti, ponti e altre strutture, edifici-architettura, edifici – ingegneria civile, funivie, digital & Innovation, ambiente, attrezzature, geologia, geotecnica & fondazione speciali, idroelettrico, metropolitane, centrali nucleari, petrolio & gas, pipeline & reti, porti / opere marittime, ferrovie, ingegneria fluviale, strade, traffico & mobilità, tunnel & opere sotterranee, trattamento acque / acque reflue.   Con uffici in tutta Europa, Nord e Sud America, Asia, Africa e Oceania, la nostra "task force" combina il know-how locale con la propria esperienza globale. Il tutto con grande agilità. Il risultato è il nostro approccio "glocal", che ci consente di soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di ogni comunità, integrando le migliori pratiche internazionali. In ARX, le menti brillanti lavorano per un futuro sostenibile, trasformando le comunità un progetto innovativo alla volta.   Le persone sono il cuore e l'anima di ARX. Siamo una casa per innovatori, visionari ed esperti, dove sviluppare talenti, avviare carriere e collaborare con altri specialisti. ARX valorizza gli individui. Credendo che le loro abilità e la loro determinazione offriranno soluzioni alle sfide di domani, accogliamo professionisti che sapranno beneficiare del nostro team arricchendolo al tempo stesso.   Cerchiamo per la nostra Business Unit Italia un Ingegnere Strutturista Senior (m/f)   Il candidato/a si occuperà della progettazione strutturale di edifici, ponti e viadotti di nuova esecuzione, o di adeguamenti di opere d'arte esistenti, indirizzando le attività di progettazione, guidando un team di collaboratori, interfacciandosi con specialisti di altre discipline, e coordinando un team disegnatori e modellatori BIM per la restituzione grafica.   Requisiti tecnici necessari - Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Civile ad indirizzo Strutture. - Esperienza pregressa di 7-10 anni nella progettazione strutturale e nell'adeguamento strutturale di edifici complessi e opere di scavalco (ponti e viadotti)  - Conoscenza della modellazione FEM e dimensionamenti strutturali in C.A., C.A.P., carpenteria metallica e sezioni miste acciaio-calcestruzzo.  - Ottima conoscenza dei software SAP2000 e/o MIDAS Civil e/o MIDAS Gen. - Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (min. B2) - Buona capacità di produzione scritta di relazioni tecniche   Requisiti tecnici preferenziali - Precedenti esperienze di progettazione in ambito infrastrutturale  - La conoscenza di tematiche geotecniche e di interazione terreno-struttura  - Conoscenza di Autodesk REVIT - Conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione VBA, MATLAB, Python - Conoscenza del francese e/o tedesco   Soft skills - Capacità di relazione nel lavorare in team in un contesto multidisciplinare e strutturato - Approccio proattivo al lavoro e alla ricerca - Flessibilità e capacità di adattamento - Capacità di organizzare ed ottimizzare il proprio lavoro - Approccio per obiettivi e orientato al rispetto delle scadenze - Etica del lavoro   Offriamo - Un contesto lavorativo giovane e motivato - Una società agile e dinamica, con una consolidata presenza nel mondo dell'ingegneria nazionale ed internazionale, e con ulteriori forti ambizioni di crescita per il futuro - Interessanti opportunità di sviluppo e di crescita personale e professionale - Possibilità di collaborazione con altri settori del gruppo in Italia e all'estero   Sede di Lavoro: Roma


BIM specialist 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Italia, Lazio, Latina - Arx ing

ARX è una rete globale di specialisti nell'ambito dell'ingegneria, del design e dell'architettura. Il nostro team offre consulenze a 360°, si occupa della gestione dei progetti e di servizi tecnici nei seguenti ambiti:   aeroporti, ponti e altre strutture, edifici-architettura, edifici – ingegneria civile, funivie, digital & Innovation, ambiente, attrezzature, geologia, geotecnica & fondazione speciali, idroelettrico, metropolitane, centrali nucleari, petrolio & gas, pipeline & reti, porti / opere marittime, ferrovie, ingegneria fluviale, strade, traffico & mobilità, tunnel & opere sotterranee, trattamento acque / acque reflue.   Con uffici in tutta Europa, Nord e Sud America, Asia, Africa e Oceania, la nostra "task force" combina il know-how locale con la propria esperienza globale. Il tutto con grande agilità. Il risultato è il nostro approccio "glocal", che ci consente di soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di ogni comunità, integrando le migliori pratiche internazionali. In ARX, le menti brillanti lavorano per un futuro sostenibile, trasformando le comunità un progetto innovativo alla volta.   Le persone sono il cuore e l'anima di ARX. Siamo una casa per innovatori, visionari ed esperti, dove sviluppare talenti, avviare carriere e collaborare con altri specialisti. ARX valorizza gli individui. Credendo che le loro abilità e la loro determinazione offriranno soluzioni alle sfide di domani, accogliamo professionisti che sapranno beneficiare del nostro team arricchendolo al tempo stesso.   Cerchiamo per la nostra Business Unit Italia un BIM specialist. Il/la candidato/a si occuperà della implementazione di modelli BIM, della redazione di elaborati grafici del supporto al coordinamento dei contenuti informativi dei modelli ai Bim Coordinator. Parteciperà alle riunioni interne ed esterne di progetto. Sarà inserito nel Dipartimento BIM Strutture/Infrastrutture/Architettura e si interfaccerà con i BIM Coordinator, i Progettisti senior ed i Coordinatori di progetto. Sono possibili compiti di ispezione in cantiere.   Requisiti tecnici necessari: - Laurea in Ingegneria Edile o Architettura e formazione specifica in BIM modelling. - Ottima preparazione tecnica di base - Buona conoscenza del software Autodesk Revit. - Buona Conoscenza di AutoCAD   Requisiti tecnici preferenziali: - Conoscenza di Dynamo / Grasshopper / Rhino - Conoscenza di Autodesk Civil 3D - Certificazione BIM Specialist ICMQ o equivalenti - Corsi di specializzazione in BIM specialist   Soft Skills: - Attitudine allo sviluppo di competenze trasversali - Capacità di relazione nel lavorare in team in un contesto multidisciplinare e strutturato - Approccio proattivo al lavoro e alla ricerca - Flessibilità e capacità di adattamento - Capacità di organizzare ed ottimizzare il proprio lavoro - Approccio per obiettivi e orientato al rispetto delle scadenze - Etica del lavoro Offriamo - Un contesto lavorativo giovane e motivato - Una società agile e dinamica, con una consolidata presenza nel mondo dell'ingegneria nazionale ed internazionale, e con ulteriori forti ambizioni di crescita per il futuro - Interessanti opportunità di sviluppo e di crescita personale e professionale - Possibilità di collaborazione con altri settori del gruppo in Italia e all'estero Sede di Lavoro: Latina


Lead Structural Engineer (m/f)

Arx ing
Stati Uniti d'America, Distretto della Columbia, Washington DC - Arx ing

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:    airports, bridges, buildings, cableways, digital innovation, environment, equipment, geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros, nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports, railways, river engineering, roads, traffic, tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.    With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "glocal" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities one innovative project at a time.    People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.   Our team in Washington DC  is looking for a    Lead Structural Engineer to  support current and upcoming projects in North America.  The successful candidate will play a major role in securing future projects, interfacing with clients, and applying both technical knowledge and business expertise.   Duties & Responsibilities - Provides technical leadership in structural engineering with experience in delivering major infrastructure projects. - Directs and coordinates activities of engineers and professionals to ensure on-time and on-budget project delivery. - Reviews project deliverables for conformity and quality assurance. - Interacts regularly with clients and resolves project-related issues. - Applies skills to assist company training and mentorship efforts   Requirements:  - MS in Civil Engineering with a focus on Structures. - Minimum 8 years related experience in technical roles on infrastructure/heavy civil engineering. Underground Construction works experience preferred. - Professional Engineering registration in State of California or New York. - Ability in FEM modeling and structural verifications of temporary support of excavation, reinforced concrete, and steelwork.       - Strong communication (both oral and written), analytical and leadership skills. - Willingness to travel up to 10% of her/his work time to support projects across North America.   We Offer: In addition to a competitive benefits package, Arx offers a young and motivated working environment. Arx is a dynamic company with an established presence in the national and international engineering world and can offer interesting opportunities for personal and professional development and growth.   If you would you like to join our highly motivated and very successful team please send us your complete application!  


Technical Coordinator - Proposals & Bids - 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Emirati Arabi Uniti, Dubayy, Dubai - Arx ing
Edilizia/Ingegneria civile

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:    airports, bridges, buildings, cableways,   digital innovation, environment, equipment,   geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros,   nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports,   railways, river engineering, roads, traffic,   tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.    With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "glocal" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities one innovative project at a time.    People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.     ARX, marks a significant expansion into the Middle East with its offices in UAE and KSA. This underscores our dedication to innovation and engineering excellence, bolstering our position in the dynamic GCC market.    For our office in Dubai, we are looking for   Technical Coordinator - Proposals & Bids with middle east experience   The ideal candidate will have over 5 years experience overseeing the technical aspects of bid preparation and ensuring the successful coordination of technical elements across infrastructure projects. This role will require expertise in both bid management and technical coordination to ensure high-quality, timely submissions and seamless project execution.    Responsibilities:  - Lead the technical coordination of bid submissions, ensuring alignment with project requirements and quality standards. - Coordinate with internal teams (technical, commercial, legal) to gather necessary technical inputs and ensure completeness of proposals. - Oversee the technical aspects of bid documentation, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and compliance with RFP requirements. - Identify potential technical challenges during the bidding process and propose effective solutions. - Ensure timely submission of high-quality bids and proactively manage bid-related risks. - Continuously improve bid processes and technical documentation templates to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. - Provide ongoing technical support throughout the bid process, ensuring that all aspects meet the required standards.   Requirements:  - Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field. - 5-7 years of experience in technical coordination and bid management within the infrastructure sector. - Strong technical background with the ability to conduct detailed technical analyses and evaluations. - Familiarity with bid management processes, including proposal documentation and submission. - Excellent communication, coordination, and project management skills. - Proficiency in Arabic (mandatory)   We Offer: - Opportunity to collaborate with a forward-thinking, synergistic, and innovative team. - Exposure to cutting-edge projects driving Middle East / North African regions development. - Personalized professional growth and developmental avenues tailored to your career aspirations.   If you would you like to join our highly motivated and very successful team please send us your complete application!    


Receptionist - 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Egitto, Al Qāhirah, 1st Settlement - Arx ing

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:  airports, bridges, buildings, cableways,  digital innovation, environment, equipment,  geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros,  nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports,  railways, river engineering, roads, traffic,  tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.  With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "global" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities into one innovative project at a time.  People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.  ARX, marks a significant expansion into the Middle East. This underscores our dedication to innovation and engineering excellence, bolstering our position in the dynamic GCC market.  For our office in Cairo, we are looking for:    Receptionist (Egypt) - 100% (m/f)  Qualifications - Greet and welcome visitors, ensuring they are received promptly and professionally. - Direct visitors to the appropriate person and office - Answer and direct phone calls, providing accurate and helpful information to callers. - Manage the reception area, maintaining a clean and organized environment. - Coordinate meeting room bookings and prepare meeting materials. - Provide administrative support to the office staff, including photocopying, scanning, and filing. - Handle incoming and outgoing mail and packages. - Maintain the office supply inventory and order supplies as needed. - Assist with general office maintenance and troubleshooting. - Update calendars and schedule meetings. - Arrange travel and accommodations and prepare vouchers. Job Requirements - Proven work experience as a Receptionist, Front Office Representative, or similar role - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. - Hands-on experience with office equipment. - Professional attitude and appearance. - Very Good English written and verbal communication skills - Ability to be resourceful and proactive when issues arise - Excellent organizational skills - Multitasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks - Customer service attitude. - Bachelor's degree We Offer: - Young, motivated and a healthy working environment - Interesting opportunities for personal and professional development and growth. - External Training Programs within our Global Branches - Social and individual health insurance  If you would like to join our highly motivated and very successful team, please send us your complete application, along with your updated CV.  


UI/UX Front-end Graphics Designer (3 months Contract)

Arx ing
Emirati Arabi Uniti, Dubayy, Dubai - Arx ing
Edilizia/Ingegneria civile

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:    airports, bridges, buildings, cableways,   digital innovation, environment, equipment,   geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros,   nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports,   railways, river engineering, roads, traffic,   tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.    With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "glocal" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities one innovative project at a time.    People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.     ARX, marks a significant expansion into the Middle East with its offices in UAE and KSA. This underscores our dedication to innovation and engineering excellence, bolstering our position in the dynamic GCC market.    For our office in Dubai, we are looking for   UI/UX Front-end Graphics Designer (3 months Contract)   A talented UI/UX Front-end Graphics Designer with a strong background in creating visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces for web and mobile applications. The ideal candidate will have a passion for combining design thinking and user experience (UX) principles with front-end development to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces (UI). You will collaborate with developers, and other stakeholders, to bring innovative design concepts to life. (This will be a Contract Based Role for a duration of 3 Months, which may get extended as per requirement and performance.)   Responsibilities:    UI/UX Design: - Design user interfaces for web and mobile platforms that are modern, clean, and engaging. - Create user journeys, wireframes, and high-fidelity prototypes using tools like Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, or similar. - Translate design mock-ups into responsive web/mobile UI using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (basic front-end skills).   Graphics Design: - Design custom graphic elements, icons, and visuals to enhance the overall experience. - Front-end Development: - Translate UI/UX designs into front-end code, ensuring visual consistency across devices and platforms. - Work in front-end developments to troubleshoot UI/UX issues and implement fixes.   User Testing: - Conduct testing and gather feedback from users to refine and improve designs. - Continuously iterate on designs based on user feedback, business requirements, and technical constraints.   Collaboration: - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand business requirements and design user-centric solutions. - Stay updated with the latest UI/UX trends, design principles, and front-end technologies to integrate innovative approaches into your work.   Requirements:  ·         Bachelor's degree in graphic design, UI/UX Design, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), IT, Front-end coding or a related field. ·         3-5 years of experience in UI/UX design, in a web and mobile application environment. Proven experience in front-end design and development with a portfolio showcasing previous projects. ·         Excellent graphic design skills, with experience using Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) or similar tools. ·         Familiarity with version control systems such as Git is a plus. ·         Strong attention to detail and ability to prioritize tasks. ·         Ability to work in a collaborative team environment, managing multiple projects. ·         Experience with motion graphics, animation (using After Effects or similar tools). ·         Familiarity with Agile development processes and working within sprints. ·         Experience in conducting usability tests and using tools like Hotjar, Google Analytics, or similar.   We Offer: - Opportunity to collaborate with a forward-thinking, synergistic, and innovative team. - Exposure to cutting-edge projects driving Middle East / North African regions development. - Personalized professional growth and developmental avenues tailored to your career aspirations.   If you would you like to join our highly motivated and very successful team please send us your complete application!      


Design Project Manager - Airports - 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Arabia Saudita, Ar Riyad, Riyadh - Arx ing
Project management/Tempi e metodi

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:    airports, bridges, buildings, cableways,   digital innovation, environment, equipment,   geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros,   nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports,   railways, river engineering, roads, traffic,   tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.    With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "glocal" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities one innovative project at a time.    People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.     ARX, marks a significant expansion into the Middle East with its offices in UAE and KSA. This underscores our dedication to innovation and engineering excellence, bolstering our position in the dynamic GCC market.    For our office in Riyadh, we are looking for    Design Project Manager - Airports - 100% (m/f) With experience in Middle East   The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 12 years of relevant experience, demonstrating a proven track record of successfully working on large scale airport projects from inception through to completion.    Responsibilities:  - Lead and manage multidisciplinary teams to deliver airport infrastructure projects, ensuring alignment with project goals, timelines, and budgets. - Oversee the detailed design process, ensuring technical accuracy, compliance with standards, and integration of innovative solutions. - Collaborate with clients, contractors, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders to ensure project requirements are met and expectations are managed. - Identify, assess, and mitigate project risks, particularly those related to geotechnical and structural challenges. - Monitor project finances, ensuring effective cost management and adherence to the Project schedule. - Implement and maintain rigorous quality control processes to ensure the highest standards of delivery. - Prepare and present regular project progress reports, ensuring comprehensive documentation of all project phases.    Requirements:  - Minimum of 12 years of experience in project management with a strong background in the detailed design and delivery  - Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, Project Management, or a related field. A Master's degree or professional certification (e.g., PMP, PMI) is preferred. - In-depth knowledge of airports systems design, construction methodologies, and relevant industry standards. - Proven leadership abilities with a track record of managing large, complex projects and multidisciplinary teams.    We Offer: - Opportunity to collaborate with a forward-thinking, synergistic, and innovative team. - Exposure to cutting-edge projects driving Middle East / North African regions development. - Personalized professional growth and developmental avenues tailored to your career aspirations.   If you would you like to join our highly motivated and very successful team please send us your complete application!      


Digital Engineer – 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Emirati Arabi Uniti, Dubayy, Dubai - Arx ing
Edilizia/Ingegneria civile

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:    airports, bridges, buildings, cableways,   digital innovation, environment, equipment,   geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros,   nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports,   railways, river engineering, roads, traffic,   tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.    With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "glocal" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities one innovative project at a time.    People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.     ARX, marks a significant expansion into the Middle East with its offices in UAE and KSA. This underscores our dedication to innovation and engineering excellence, bolstering our position in the dynamic GCC market.    For our office in Dubai, we are looking for   Digital Engineer – 100% (m/f)   The ideal candidate will have proficiency in Python, Java, and VBA, as well as a strong understanding of data structures, algorithms, and software design patterns. Experience with software development methodologies and familiarity with digital engineering tools (such as CAD, BIM, and PLM) is a plus. The candidate should be a collaborative team player with excellent problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills.   Responsibilities:    ·         Develop and maintain software applications utilizing relevant programming languages (such as Python, Java, NodeJS, ReactJS, VBA, etc.) and Microsoft Power Platform tools.   ·         Design and implement software solutions and plugins that integrate with digital engineering platforms and tools (e.g., CAD, BIM, etc.), including working with REST APIs and Hypermedia APIs.   ·         Perform data engineering tasks, including ETL processes, data analysis, and data visualization using Power BI.   ·         Provide support for the configuration of data management applications (such as ProjectWise, ACC, EMDS, etc.) in alignment with project-specific requirements.   ·         Collaborate with engineering teams to understand their needs and translate them into clear software requirements.   ·         Conduct comprehensive testing and debugging to ensure the quality and reliability of software applications.   ·         Optimize software performance and scalability to meet the demands of complex engineering projects.   ·         Stay informed on emerging technologies and industry trends within the field of digital engineering.   Requirements:    ·         A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related discipline.   ·         A minimum of 2 years of demonstrated experience in software development, with proficiency in Python, Java, and VBA.   We Offer: - Opportunity to collaborate with a forward-thinking, synergistic, and innovative team. - Exposure to cutting-edge projects driving Middle East / North African regions development. - Personalized professional growth and developmental avenues tailored to your career aspirations.   If you would you like to join our highly motivated and very successful team please send us your complete application!  


Senior Bridge Engineer 100% (m/f)

Arx ing
Emirati Arabi Uniti, Dubayy, Business Bay - Arx ing
Edilizia/Ingegneria civile

ARX is a global network of specialists in engineering, design, and architecture. Our team offers 360° consulting, project management, and technical services in:    airports, bridges, buildings, cableways,   digital innovation, environment, equipment,   geology, geotechnics, hydropower, metros,   nuclear plants, oil & gas, pipelines, ports,   railways, river engineering, roads, traffic,   tunnels, and water/wastewater treatment.    With offices across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, our agile task force combines global expertise with local know-how. The result is our uniquely "glocal" approach, which allows us to meet the specific needs of each community while incorporating international best practices. At ARX, smart minds strive for a sustainable future, transforming communities one innovative project at a time.    People are the heart and soul of ARX. We are a home for innovators, visionaries, and experts to develop talents, launch careers, and collaborate with fellow specialists. ARX values individuals. Believing their brilliance and determination will provide solutions to tomorrow's challenges, we welcome professionals who will both benefit from and enrich our team.     ARX, marks a significant expansion into the Middle East with its offices in UAE and KSA. This underscores our dedication to innovation and engineering excellence, bolstering our position in the dynamic GCC market.    For our office in Dubai, we are looking for     Senior Bridge Engineer - 100% (m/f) with Middle East experience   The ideal candidate will have extended experience in the design and design review of civil engineering assets specific to each field. They should be capable of working within a team of engineers while mentoring junior staff members. Proficiency in specific software programs for developing engineering designs, such as FE, CAD drafting, and BIM, is required, along with knowledge of AutoCAD or equivalent software. Familiarity with CDE (Common Data Environment) and BIM-specific software is considered an advantage. The candidate should understand interdisciplinary dependencies and effects and be a team player who promotes a positive working environment. A proactive approach in interfacing with peers from other engineering disciplines is essential, as well as possessing good knowledge of Health & Safety principles. The ideal candidate will exhibit analytical thinking, be hardworking, responsible, and flexible, and have a solid command of professional/technical English. Knowledge of Gulf area country specifics is an advantage.   Responsibilities:  - Lead the design and review activities for railway and road infrastructure projects in accordance with international design Standards (American, European, British Standards, UIC leaflets, etc.), on time, within budget and to the agreed quality standards; - Ensure the implementation of the Quality Assurance procedure; - Act as a Task Owner or a Sub-Task Lead in a large scale project, or as a Project Manager in a small scale project, as requested; - Be capable to produce/willing to be involved in the full spectre of design/design review such as Finite Element analysis, calculations, BIM modelling knowledge and not only, corresponding to all stages of design; - Develop and Lead Conceptual Designs, Feasibility Studies, Technical Designs and Detailed Designs; - Develop written documentation (mainly in English) such as Design Basis Reports, Technical Specifications, Design Reports, Bill of Quantities, etc.; - Develop cost estimations; - Carry out technical assessment of works and estimate resourcing and timeline/deployment schedule; - Possess good communication skills to interface and collaborate with other project team members and Clients in a clear an efficient way.   Requirements:  - Bachelor's / Master's degree in Civil Engineering; - Minimum 10 years of design experience in the field of Civil Engineering, with at least 5 years of experience in complex large scale projects, or equivalent outstanding performance and competency; - Chartered Engineer (CEng from UK) or equivalent qualification is an advantage.   We Offer: - Opportunity to collaborate with a forward-thinking, synergistic, and innovative team. - Exposure to cutting-edge projects driving Middle East / North African regions development. - Personalized professional growth and developmental avenues tailored to your career aspirations.   If you would you like to join our highly motivated and very successful team please send us your complete application!    


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